Photo Of The Week #3: Dwight Cahela

Thanks to Dwight Cahela for starring in this week’s photo. The photo was taken by Sarah Scott, who also designed the shirt.

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Feb. 16: Katie Martin & Jake Carnley

Use the player above to hear a promo for this week’s show.

10:00-11:00 am: An hour of performance and conversation with singer/songwriters Katie Martin & Jake Carnley

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Katie Martin is an Auburn, Alabama, native who now makes her home near Atlanta. She’s a talented singer/songwriter who has performed all over the Southeast as a solo act and with HeY!ALLigator, the band she co-leads with Marie Robertson.

Jake Carnley is best known as the lead singer and songwriter of Teacup and the Monster. He’s also a busy solo performer who is working hard on building a strong local music scene in Auburn.

Photo Of The Week #2: Siddhartha Rao

Thanks to Siddhartha Rao for starring in this week’s photo. The photo was taken by Sarah Scott, who also designed the shirt.

Photo Of The Week Archive

Feb. 9: Daniel Neil & Jocelyn Zanzot | Patrick McCurry

Use the player above to hear a 30-second promo for this week’s show.

10:00-10:30 am: Daniel Neil and Jocelyn Zanzot from the Mobile Studio


The Mobile Studio is an intermedia collective that studies, re-presents and re-imagines contemporary Alabama landscapes through co-creative art making and events in the field. Between art, landscape architecture, public history and community engagement, we bring a resourceful ingenuity to making a next generation of vibrant civic places. Learn more at

10:30-11 am: Patrick McCurry

522534_124545344372197_1270181437_n Patrick McCurry is a jazz and concert saxophonist and flutist based in Auburn. He’s also a composer and arranger. McCurry coordinates A Little Lunch Music at the Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art, a weekly series of free concerts. Performances are every Thursday from noon to 1:00 PM. The concerts are informal. The music serves to complement the fine-art and dining experience for the museum’s visitors and cafĂ© customers. Musicians usually perform in the Grand Gallery.

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The music used on this episode was by singer Nicky Schrire.

The Jason Crane Show #001: Jessye McDowell, Frye Gaillard, Kathryn Scheldt


In this episode, Jessye McDowell talks about Auburn University’s Biggin Gallery, digital media, and the arts program at Auburn. Then Frye Gaillard and Kathryn Scheldt talk about The Quilt, a new book and CD celebrating the poetry of Alabama music. (Complete show notes)